Based on the numbers of Chinook that went through the counter, we have had more than 50 years with lower counts, the math says there was no reason to keep the season closed other than to make sport fisherman the victims as political pawns of the Liberal run DFO.
The sockeye run has proven that the DFO refuse to use science, as they put the salmon future at risk to play up to the aboriginal fisheries.
Even aboriginals elders have long said that fishing sockeye with gill nets, or drifting nets down the river to harvest the excess sockeye, will result it butchering both the endangered coho and steelhead stocks.
Seriously people we need to stop funding the salmon fisheries period, unless we all agree that nobody, I mean nobody should be allowed to fish with nets, period.
What we are doing when we allow nets is to take away from Peter to give to Paul a fish that should have been protected.
If you allow net fishing for sockeye, what is the point that anyone follow any federal or provincial fishing rules, you by allowing nets have already thrown science out the window?
If the DFO and provincial fish and wildlife expect people to cooperate and respect them, then stop allow politicians to manipulate the rules for the benefit of either racial preference, or corporate preference.
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