Below is a list of lakes in alphabetical order, the ones we have completed to date, our goal over the coming future is to add all of the lakes we can get into and provide you with photos, video, fish inventory, and other relevant information regarding all our local lakes. We have an additional 15 lakes in our area that we plan on going to see in 2022.
We put a space in between each to insure people with large thumbs on cell phones can click on them without opening the wrong one each time. If new material comes our way we will update those pages without posting a notice. Were retired remember 🙂 We will do a once a year check on the pages to insure we add anything new that comes our way.
NOTE: As we have time we will replace all the videos with dead links, they should all be back within before mid December.
Babine Lake – Smithers Landing Marine Provincial Park
Irrigation Lake aka Dunalter Lake
Kitseguecla Lake (NEW)
Taltzen Lake (NEW)