Letter to Editor.
They are not protecting the fish due to high water temperature, there is a wholesale slaughter of sockeye salmon going on, the warm water closure provided is just an excuse to insure no one would witness what is going on. The BC Government is complicit in the cover up, the public needs to know this cover-up is a joint NDP Environment Ministry abuse of power, insuring nobody can object to the Lake Babine Nation Fishery closure. They lied to all of us, they are not protecting the sockeye, they are harvesting them. It also seems seems to be a tight lipped secret as to who is getting these fish, truckloads of sockeye salmon, we found via the grape vine that it was going to be sold to someone in Vancouver as dog and cat food.
Here is what is really going on, the fence is now a massive harvesting machine. (The fence belongs to Canadian tax payers, the DFO for the purpose of protecting fish from extinction.)
Each and every container is for harvested sockeye salmon, please tell me again about having to pull together to save the salmon.
Can you imagine a few dozen fly fisherman maybe taking 2 sockeye home on a 2 hour drive on a gravel road, and they are the threat to sockeye stocks while the Lake Babine Nation band rolls semi truckloads of salmon out to be sold as dog food. How many hundred thousand sockeye are they taking under the guise of closure to protect them? There is no way these contracts happened overnight, they were in place long before the heatwave warmed up the lake, not to forget its not the first heatwave to hit Babine Lake. Only the surface water gets warm, the waters below stay quite cold.. Back to back pickups with 2 or 3 freezes in the back were there picking up fish all day long.
In over 50 years of fishing I have never quite witnessed such a display of underhanded governance in the Province of British Columbia. To its credit the Department of Fisheries and Oceans played no role in this scam and cover up. The Provincial Goverment appears to be in collusion with the Lake Babine Nation to use an outright lie, to hide the slaughter of thousands possible hundreds of thousands of sockeye, not for food, not for ceremonial use but for commercial profit, and they kicked out all the people who could possible witness it.
As far as the DFO is concerned the river is open to the public, as the threat they talk about has no scientific merit, yet the BC NDP decided to put a knife in the backs of local residents and denied them the right they were already given under federal jurisdiction. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are lost as the NDP once again destroy tourism and ignore the billion dollar value of the sport fishing industry. Its exactly this kind of dirty underhanded dealing that result in a complete distrust in the leadership involved. Why could this not have been above board? Most locals never did mind that the Babine Band used what would otherwise have been wasted sockeye salmon, its deceit that creates racism.
The BC Goverment placed park rangers there, careers for kids fresh out of school, these are the kids they have at Babine Lake under the guise of protecting citizens from bears, running tourists and locals out of the park.
It became abundantly clear to us they did not want people there to see what was going on. So the NDP used their park rangers to do what the DFO would not do, in a clearly coordinated effort with the Babine Lake Band, not based on science, but based on contracts to slaughter hundreds of thousands of sockeye for commercial profit. I recall talking to a friend who said, this sure is odd, when you consider how they just received so much help saving their communities from forest fires, using tax payers dollars, then they pull this stunt?
But look, you need to read this.
Editors note: Name removed for personal protection reasons) and yes it is that bad, anyone who speaks in opposition to the aboriginal agenda is automatically labelled a racist. Historically we believe this to be an accurate assessment so by request the name was removed.
Additional Information: The fish counting fence itself, based on maps the Provincial Goverment provided, shows the fence itself is not inside the Provincial Park and its crown land, other than the actual fenced off area, you have every legal right to be there, and the wardens have no right to tell you to leave. Please do not take our word for it, do your homework before you decide to challenge these park wardens. Their own maps show this parking area is outside of the park boundary, so please go there and witness the wholesale slaughter of sockeye salmon. The date the above photo was shot almost 22 Thousand sockeye came through the counting fence, but we have no information on how many of them were harvested.
UPDATED Sept 17th 2023
The NDP (Nathan Cullen’s riding) Did an update on September 15, 2023 : The park closure remains in effect. This closure by both the Lake Babine Nation is in spite of 1,073,600 adult sockeye and 35,791 jack sockeye entering Babine Lake, absolute evidence there was never a concern about sockeye survival, but clear evidence of a collaborated effort to rob non aboriginals of their right to fish salmon.
Recreational Fishing is pure bullshit, there is no difference at my dinner table than there is at any aboriginal dinner table, we never ever fished for sport, yes they tagged us with that title but like Indians we fish for food, we eat our catch, and we do not sell it like they do. Now they have aboriginal rights, suddenly we as tax paying citizens we have no rights, its pure bullshit created by left leaning politicians who are selling taxpayers out to acquire aboriginal votes. These slime balls are intentionally creating a racial divide after decades of peace and cooperation with our aboriginal neighbours. They sat at my dinner table, I sat at theirs, now we have the NDP creating race hate based on racial privilege. We are FOOD FISHING, we are there to put dinner on our table, we are not fishing to pass time, we are not fishing just for fun, we are fishing for food, just like the Indians are, now please Nathan Cullen pack your racist bags and stop interfering with my rights.